
We promote the co-creation and exchange of expertise between our consultants, Internet users and your organization. With this blog we want to spread the Lean and Six Sigma culture in France, because we believe this is the key to the success of the operational excellence challenges of tomorrow.

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lean banking industry
Lean Management in Banking?

After the financial blows the economy has suffered, banks and banking institutions have been searching for ways to effectively reduce their expenditures. They need this

Consultant Lean Six Sigma_mission
What is Lean Maintenance?

Lean maintenance has been erroneously thought to be a spin off or subset of lean manufacturing. What business managers failed to realize is that lean

lean management at the office
What is Lean Management Engineering?

Lean management engineering is a concept to boost the efficiency of various engineering segments within manufacturing enterprises. It is a consistent process that helps increase

What is Lean Management in Insurance?

Insurers know that lean processes and dynamics pave a way towards customer satisfaction. However, many find the whole set-up a challenge to accomplish. The needs

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