Lean Services Training

Lean Management Services Training Lean Six Sigma Belgium

In-depth Lean Services Training (4 days )

The In-depth lean services training focuses on applying Lean tools and techniques in a Services environment.

Kicking off with a little history about Lean, the Lean principles and TPS (Toyota Production System) shows you the Eastern way of thinking in improving processes.

Then we continue with the Value Stream Map (VSM) which is the backbone of Lean. We will learn you all the steps to set up a VSM with all its components: waste, lead time and the effects of shortening lead times. You will learn how to eliminate waste, create flow and reduce lead time with tools like: takt-time, pitch, FIFO, 5S, SMED and line balancing. To sustain all improvements the training focuses on Kaizen, Standardized work, Poka-Yoke and visual management.

Our training philosophy is “learning by applying” so we will spend most time on exercising the tools making you ready to deploy these in your organization. We also invite you to bring your own cases so we can use them already to learn and see what Lean can do for you.

Lean Service Training Lean Six Sigma Belgium

Our Lean Services Training Offer

Our offer consists of a 4 days class room training to prepare you to manage Lean Services efficiently and to execute related duties. It contains the handbook, reading materials and a Lean Six Sigma Belgium Master Black Belt Certificate. Extra coaching and support are not included but are available upon request.

Lean Services Training Certification Lean Six Sigma Belgium


  • Groups from 2 to 12 people. In English.
  • Managers, Project Managers and Innovators
  • People from diverse operational functions (quality, logistics, finance, production, engineering,…).
  • People with experience or interests in operational excellence, process understanding and continuous improvement.

Working Style

Our workshop and business case programs employ teaching methods which focus on the mental, physical and emotional development of participants. Their contents are specifically tailored to the training objectives, the participants and the organizational culture. Our teaching methods are both participatory and collaborative, involve problem solving, role playing and project management. They offer motivating challenges and stimulate participants to invest in their training.

Lean Six Sigma Training Belgium Brussels


Training Agenda:

1, 2, 3 & 4 September 2014

Price 1800,00€ (VAT excl)

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